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Photo Gallery

On this page you will find just some interesting shots from around la casa. We hope you enjoy your visit to La Casa del Wacho through pictures.

Topiary Garden

The bear in the snow

Topiary garden from Joan's studio deck

Topiary garden from the lift

Pyracantha DNA module

Our second Agave bloom starting

The King Sago showing his stuff

Sitting by the pool in the courtyard

Astors blooming in the hill garden with Flora, goddess of flowers

Laying the glass mosaic in the gazebo

Our neighbor Juanita supervising Joani???

Fred faux painting the gazebo marble

The courtyard from the hot tub deck

The La Casa del Wacho flower as seen through a Kaleidoscope

A Hybiscus blooms at Halloween

Red Madelvilla and purple Passion Flower

The Queen Sago showing her stuff!

Fred's sushi dinner in the courtyard comedor

Verigated Arora Grass

Pandanus blooming in conservatory

Topiary Whisteria in full bloom

Joani touring the garden in one of her Elizabethan costumes

Fred giving the giraffe a haircut

Hydrangia Lace cap

Joani unloading the first Gazebo header